
How Good and true Blogwalking

To increase the traffic the blog, one of which was with Blogwalking. Blogwalking is a mutual visit between a blog with the other blog with a purpose to get a visit from the owners of blogs that we visit. The terprnting of blog walking is mutually relevant comments.

How Good and true Blogwalking
How Good and true Blogwalking

How to Blog Walking is good and True

Everything has trust in the rules and norms, as well as Blowalking. This norm must be adhered to by blogger so as not to interfere with their blog. "kok even so IPS lesson well". Return to theme, here are a few rules that must be adhered to when Blogwalking

Relevant Comments

Blogwalking, should be in either the relevant comments in accordance with article titles that we visit. Don't spread the article out of the theme as it will interfere with the reputation of the blog. In addition, the relevant comments is worship because we help blog owners to Jack up their blog. "itung-itung worship ahe he he."

Do Not Embed The Link Active

Embed link is active on blogs that we visit is indeed one way to boost the success of our blogs. But it is inversely proportional to the blogs that we visit. The more we infuse the increasingly falling reputation of blogs that we visit. But it is very dangerous to our blogs. Feared if the blog owner that we visit does not accept he will reward us with more cruel. Suppose our blog in our blog, definitely jingling will crumble and fall apart.

Try Refuses to leave Our Blog address

In addition to menenamkan with an active link, embed the link dead would also interfere with the blogs that we visit. So try to mnghindari this. If indeed we would leave a alamt our blog, we can use the rare replace (..) with (dot). Example "trikaryah.blogspot.com" and replace with "blogaryah (dot) blogspot (dot) com.

Do Not Cheat

Cheating is not very good, so don't cheat people to visit our blog. For example, when in a group facebook, kta says "Done, Subscribe back well bla bla bal" whereas we do not visit the blog. Cheating is very dangerous to Blog Walking. Again if we do this, we will be dealing with "jingling". Instead of etenaran we can but sin and destruction.

The short aartikel. Hopefully can help. Greetings Blogger this translete from indonesian How Good and true Blogwalking

Additional Tips

"If you're in the forum blog walking, if anyone says (Done Visit Back) then immediately visit. No need to think of the people that have visited us or not, the important thing that we have fulfilled our promise and itung-itung WORSHIP Aryah-tricks ";